
(العربية) المنسقة المقيمة في الأمم المتحدة بالمملكة تزور غرفة عرعر

(العربية) استقبل سعادة رئيس مجلس إدارة #غرفة_عرعر أ.نواف بن مزعل الذايدي سعادة المنسقة المقيمة #الأمم_المتحدة بالمملكة ناتالي فوستيه والوفد المرافق لها بحضور سعادة أعضاء المجلس وسعادة الأمين العام لبحث مبادرة الميثاق العالمي للأمم المتحدة لأشراك القطاع الخاص في التنمية المستدامة

اكمل الموضوع

(العربية) معايدة عيد الفطر المبارك لعام 1443هـ

(العربية) نظمت الأمانة العامة بـ #غرفة_عرعر ممثلة بإدارة العلاقات العامة اليوم الاحد 7 شوال احتفال معايدة لمنسوبيها ،بحضور سعادة الامين العام الدكتور محمد الدهمشي بمناسبة #عيد_الفطر_المبارك لعام 1443هـ .

اكمل الموضوع

(العربية) رئيس مجلس الإدارة يستقبل مدير عام فرع وزارة التجارة

(العربية) استقبل سعادة رئيس مجلس إدارة #غرفة_عرعر أ.نواف بن مزعل الذايدي سعادة مدير عام فرع وزارة التجارة بالمنطقة أ.أحمد الفاير بحضور سعادة الأمين العام د.محمد الدهمشي لبحث سبل التعاون فيما يخدم قطاع الاعمال بالمنطقة وفق مستهدفات رؤية المملكة 2030.

اكمل الموضوع

Application of the electronic remote voting system for all voters without having to attend the Chamber of Commerce headquarters

Starting with the upcoming elections for the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Arar next Wednesday, the electronic remote voting system will be applied to all voters without having to attend the Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

اكمل الموضوع

Announcing the date and voting mechanism for the elections of the board members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in The Year (10) for the period 1441-1445 H

Announcement by the Committee for the Supervision of The Elections of The Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (10) for the period 1441-1445 H to announce the date and mechanism of voting that will be as follows:

Note that the date and method of voting in the elections are as follows:

Voting is electronic remotely so that the voter can cast his or her vote from his position.
Voting begins electronically through the electronic link on the ministry’s website ( and on the chamber’s website from 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, 21/04/1441 H, 18/12/2019 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, December 19, 2019, 22/04/1441 H.
The results will be announced after the voting process has been completed through the available means of communication, on the chamber’s website and at the chamber’s headquarters.
For inquiries, the committee can be consulted at the chamber’s headquarters or call 920000667.

Election Supervisory Committee

Member of the Committee

Amer bin Faleh al-Anzi Abdul Rahman bin Jabban Al-Suwailmi Yahya bin Ali Azan

اكمل الموضوع

Announcement of the initial voters list

From the Committee for the Supervision of The Elections of The Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry

10 th course

The following is the preliminary list of eligible voters for 2019, before 1/9/2019, according to commercial records issued before 2/1/1441 H, within the chamber’s constituency.

Anyone who has an objection, addition, amendment or observation on this list should review the committee at the chamber’s headquarters, or email within five working days from Thursday.

25/3/1441H, 22/11/2019,

Until the end of Wednesday’s shift.

3/30/1441 H, 27/11/2019.

(Note: This list is preliminary and not finalized))

Committee Coordinator

Name: Shaman Salem Al-Muhairit


Menu link:

Preliminary Voters List1

اكمل الموضوع

Announcement of the preliminary list of candidates and candidates whose applications for membership of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Arar for the tenth session


From the Committee for the Supervision of The Elections of The Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Arar for the tenth session

The Committee is pleased to announce the preliminary list of candidates and candidates whose applications for membership of the Board of Directors have been accepted

Accordingly, the Committee hopes that those who have an objection to any of the above-mentioned candidates will submit their objection in writing to the committee at the chamber’s headquarters in Arar within five working days from Tuesday, 8 March 1441, 5/11/2019.

The Committee also wishes to note that the period of objections and withdrawals for those wishing to end the day of the day 14/3/1441 H, 11/11/2019.

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